The BEG Committee seeks to work in concert with the Session to maintain and enhance the physical plant of the Church. This includes assessing the overall condition of the property, scheduling required maintenance, making improvements when possible, and assuring that insurance coverage is adequate and up-to-date.
The Christian Education Committee seeks to find opportunities for the whole congregation to grow in their knowledge, understanding and faith.
The Finance Committee is called to assume responsibility in conjunction with the Session for the finances of the congregation. This shall include developing and monitoring a church budget, financial recording and reporting, disbursement and auditing of records.
The Personnel Committee of the First Presbyterian Church of Youngstown has direct oversight of all paid staff of the church in conjunction with the Head of Staff.
The Nominating Committee of a Presbyterian Church (USA) is different than any other Committee of the Session in that it is a Committee that is elected by the Congregation in a Congregational meeting to do the work of electing the officers for the Session, Deacons and the following year’s Nominating Committee. It is one of the only committees that an incorporated congregation in the PCUSA is required to have in the make-up of its governance.
The Music and Worship Committee of the First Presbyterian Church of Youngstown has direct oversight of all music and worship related to the life of First Presbyterian Church of Youngstown.